CLE Constitution
Charente Limousine Exchange Constitution
Art 1. – Constitution:
There is hereby founded, by the signatories to the present statutes, an association governed by the law of 1st July 1901 and the decree of 16th August 1901, to be known as: Charente-Limousine Exchange
Art 2. – Aims and Objectives:
To work for better integration between the local French community and non-French nationals who have settled in the Poitou-Charentes and Limousin area.
To provide information on living and working in France through organised talks, meetings, workshops, a newsletter, fact sheets or other means
To work with the local authorities to tackle practical issues relating to the significant numbers of non-French nationals settling in the area
To organise social and cultural activities to enable members to meet and to mix with members of the local French community in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere
To share practical experience, skills and knowledge
To offer a confidential and free support service to members who have experienced a drastic change in personal circumstances
To hold or get involved in other events or activities deemed appropriate in order to achieve the aim of the association
Art 3 – Registered address:
2, rue St Michel, 16500 Confolens
Art 4 – Duration:
The duration of the association is without limit.
Art 5 – Composition:
Membership is by household. It covers all residents living at the same address.
The association consists of members who have subscribed to the present statutes. The association may also appoint honorary members.
Art 6 – Subscriptions:
Members shall pay annually a subscription, of which the amount shall be fixed by the Annual General Meeting. Honorary members will not be liable to pay the annual subscription.
Art 7 – The work of the Association:
The work of the Association shall be executed on a strictly unpaid volunteer basis.
Reimbursement of agreed and receipted expenses shall be made.
Art 8 – Cessation of Membership:
Membership shall cease by:
Resignation given in writing to the President of the Association
A decision promulgated by the Committee, for non-payment of subscription by the accepted last date or for other serious cause. The member concerned shall be invited to give an explanation to the Committee.
The present statutes may be changed at either an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Art 9 – Annual General Meeting:
The Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year. Meetings shall be open to all members of the association. Voting at such meetings shall be open to all members of at least 16 years of age on the day of the meeting.
Members shall receive notice of such meetings at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.
The agenda for this meeting, with nominations for committee, shall be distributed to members at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting shall consider:
A report/reports on the current position of the association, and its activities during the preceding year, followed by questions
Future plans, followed by questions
The financial report: the annual accounts and provisional budget for the ensuing year, followed by questions
Other Agenda items
No new material should be introduced at the AGM i.e. no AOB
Acceptance of the various reports shall take place by a show of hands and is to be decided by a majority of members present.
The Annual General Meeting shall also elect the members of the Committee, as indicated by article 11 of the present statutes.
Members unable to attend the meeting in person may exercise their right to a proxy vote by contacting the Secretary at least ten days before the date of the meeting.
If the necessary papers are not received by the Secretary before the morning of the meeting, the vote will be null and void.
Art 10 – Extraordinary General Meeting:
An Extraordinary Meeting may be convened at any time to vote on a specific issue or issues.
Meetings shall be open to all members of the association.
Voting at such meetings is open to all members aged at least 16 years of age on the day of the meeting.
Members shall receive notice of such meetings at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.
The agenda shall be circulated with this notice:
‘At an Extraordinary General Meeting only the itemised items on the Agenda may be voted on. The purpose of the meeting is to accept the item as stated or reject it. Discussion is permitted, but no change may be made.’
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened:
By the President to consider matters of immediate importance
By the President at the request of a majority of the Committee
By the President at the request in writing of at least one half of the members of the Association
Decisions shall be taken by either a show of hands or a secret ballot. In either case a majority of the members present, including proxy votes, shall be required.
The President has the casting vote.
Members unable to attend the meeting in person may exercise their right to a proxy vote by contacting the Secretary at least ten days before the date of the meeting.
If the necessary papers are not received by the Secretary before the morning of the meeting, the vote will be null and void.
Art 11 – Committee:
The association is administered by a Committee consisting of as many members as shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting.
Membership of the Committee is open to all members of at least 16 years of age on the day of the Annual General Meeting and on the day of payment of their subscription.
Nominations for committee members must be received by the current committee at least three weeks before the Annual General Meeting, so that they may be circulated with the agenda.
Nominations must be agreed by the nominees and seconded.
Voting for membership of the Committee shall be by secret ballot or show of hands.
The committee may co-opt one or more additional members for a specific purpose or period of time during the current term.
These co-opted members of the Committee will be subject to all other conditions contained in this article except for appointment by election.
Any co-opted member who wishes to continue as a full member of the committee must stand for election, nominated and seconded, at the following Annual General Meeting.
The Committee shall be renewed in its entirety each year.
Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.
The Committee shall meet at least three times each year and whenever decided by the President or by request at least half of its members.
Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the members present. The President shall have a casting vote.
Art 12 – Officers:
The Committee shall elect each year, by secret ballot, a minimum of the following officers: President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The President, Secretary and Treasurer must have attained the age of legal majority.
Retiring members are eligible for re-election.
Art 13 – Internal Regulations and Administrative Procedures:
Internal regulations may be established by the committee to determine points of administration and behaviour not specified in the statutes and made available to the membership.
Section 4. RESOURCES
The resources of the association consist of:
Receipts from annual subscriptions
Any grants which may have been made by the State, Region, Departments, Communes or public bodies
Receipts from events organised by the association, interest or other income from goods and investments which the association may possess and any payments for services rendered
All other receipts, grants or gifts which are not contrary to the laws of the country
Art 14 – Dissolution:
The association may be dissolved at the request of the Committee by an Extraordinary General Meeting, held solely for that purpose, under the conditions set out in article 8 of the present statutes.
Voting shall be by a show of hands, and a majority of two thirds of the members present.
In the event of dissolution, the Extraordinary General Meeting shall appoint one or two liquidators to be responsible for the liquidation of the assets of the association in conformity with article 9 of the Law of 1st July 1901 and article 15 of the Decree of 16th August 1901. END